Additional Price Caching to Improve Pricing API Reliability
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To ensure that we continue to provide a fast and reliable storefront experience for your shoppers and customers, we will be implementing an important change to how product prices are updated.
In an effort to improve platform stability and reduce disruption to the storefront experience, starting February 29, 2024, any changes made to product pricing may take up to 10 minutes to appear and take effect on the storefront.
For most stores, this delay in storefront pricing updates should be much shorter.
We are implementing these changes to prevent large spikes in API traffic on stores with products that have large numbers of variants.
This behavior will apply to the entire platform, and includes both Catalog v2 and Catalog v3 stores.
Note that price caching cannot be disabled or changed for an individual store.
At BigCommerce, we’re dedicated to delivering a fast and reliable ecommerce experience for both merchants and shoppers, and we’re making this change with those values in mind.
See Adding Products (v3) and Using Sale Pricing to learn more about all the ways you can edit product prices in the control panel.